Thank you to everybody that continues to follow my rehabilitation journey website and have been kind enough to share this website with your family, friends and work colleagues.
This website has now reached out to 91 countries around the world with tens of thousands of Individuals, Families, Employees, Leaders, Employers and Business Owners now reading this website. I am really appreciating all the feedback emails that I have received to date so please keep them coming. In particular, the stories from people that are willing to share similar health and wellbeing stories similar to mine and my families has been nothing short of incredible.
This website has surpassed my expectations since its introduction on the 15th December 2015 for it is not only assisting with my personal rehabilitation but has provided a platform for other people around the world to share their story with me. Ideally, I would love for such shares to be raised through this websites comments section so others can read and understand that there are many others around the world that are going through similar health & wellbeing issues as I and they have. Having said that, I am extremely humbled to receive the personal health and wellbeing shares coming through for I know all too well that the largest step has been taken just to share with a stranger so thank you. You are extremely brave!
I would also like to encourage business leaders and/or owners to share any of their experiences in relation to work related stress events that they may be experiencing within their business as well. I am receiving hundreds of emails from businesses owners and leaders that are providing some fantastic feedback with how their business are tackling workplace stress related sickness and injuries so thank you. I would also encourage for you to share your feedback on this website comments section for others to read for much of your feedback to date has been very positive and I have no doubt that other businesses and their work force would benefit from this.
These messages received reinforces my drive to continue sharing my story, my journey with the world for it appears to be opening up an area that appears to be an “unspoken” health & wellbeing problem across the globe within many businesses. Work related stress needs greater exposure by speaking about it more openly and finding solutions for too many people are going through their daily lives at work with high – critical stress levels which are going undetected. Its time to share our experiences, share our learnings and resolve this issue.
For all those that are following my journey, I once again thank you for it is people like you that are sharing this website with others that really makes the message move across the globe. You are “Making A Difference” to someone’s life.
Please take 5 minutes out of your day to think about how important a fair work / life balance is to both you and your family.
Best Regards,
Michael Weston