“Having witnessed firsthand how much Pain & Heartbreak this ABI has caused Michael, Donna and their family, I was proud of the way in which Michael took the courage to stand up in front of a crowd of strangers and tell his story. This in itself was a huge accomplishment.
I personally do not think I would have been so restrained and would of found it hard to control my emotions. Michael as he always has been, showed just how professional he is.
Sadly, I still see similar situations where people are put under a lot of stress, working long hours etc. but because of Michael, I go out of my way and relay his story and encourage them to look at their own life/work style.
Unfortunately I do not think this is enough, as people will and are getting missed and end up going through what Michael has.
Congratulations Michael for your Courage and your positive attitude. I hope this will help in your ongoing rehabilitation.
Let us all, take something out of Michaels story and improve first of all, our own and families life, but also all our work colleagues & mates”