My initial treatment was to receive the services of a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist. When my GP said that he would refer me to these specialist prior to any other rehabilitation, I was straight out shocked. Whilst I had many ailments present, I would swear black and blue that I was not going crazy. As far as I was concerned, these specialists were for people with different issues to me and I’m as normal as people come…aren’t I?
Up until this appointment, I had no idea of the difference between a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist. I was later to find out the difference was that a Psychiatrist is required to complete a medical degree prior to specializing in mental health and is authorized in prescribing medicine. Obviously this is in the simplest of terms in my own words so I hope I have not offended any qualified Psychiatrist or Psychologist for I’m sure there is much more to it than my example.
So the next question I had in my mind was, why do I need to see a Psychiatrist for I don’t require any medication?
I said to my wife at the time that I was going to be open minded about going to a Psychologist for I can handle talking about my incident to someone that is going to listen, get it off my chest if you like but I don’t need medication and therefore don’t need to visit a Psychiatrist. I had watched documentaries on TV about people getting addicted to mental health medication and therefore didn’t want this to happen to me or go down that pathway.
Well how naive and wrong I was about not needing help!
As documented earlier in my Anxiety, Depression & PTSD post, mental break downs were becoming a regular occurrence so my GP had made a very good decision in referring me to these specialists in order to be assessed and receive the relevant levels of treatment and care required.
I was diagnosed with Anxiety, Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) following these appointments and was prescribed medication to assist with my emotional rollercoaster. The specialist’s explained to me that Anxiety, Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) were a result of the incident I had and the incident is a result of workplace stress and work load that I was enduring. I was absolutely shattered of this diagnosis however through the positive support from my GP, my wife and family, I came to accept that I needed help and importantly required medication to assist.
You know as a leader, I had always supported my staff, work colleagues and friends with mental health issues but had never imagined that I too would require such specialist intervention. I can tell you now that since being prescribed the medication and retaining the services of a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist, my emotions had become calmer /stable. This now started to make sense for it allowed me to commence rehabilitation. Had I not had this treatment I would have been set up to fail through the rehabilitation journey ahead.
My key take away message is, have an open mind and seek Specialist help for it has been extremely beneficial to me personally. Once you embrace “acceptance”, then the stigma disappears. Your life is worth it!