Making A Difference (1)

Thank you to everybody that has followed my rehabilitation journey website and have been kind enough to share with your friends, family and work colleagues.

As of the 4th January 2016, we have now reached out to 30 countries around the world with the numbers growing everyday.

Website Traffic

The emails I have been receiving from individuals, families and companies here in Western Australia, Eastern Australia and Overseas providing their support has been very humbling. It astounds me how many people around the world have been in touch to share similar health and wellbeing stories like mine and my families. I feel that we all are contributing to making a difference in sharing such information. If we all can have a positive impact on 1 person that we live with, are friends with, or work with then we have in fact made a difference. Multiply this by everyone sharing this story then has the potential to be a much greater positive impact on people across the globe. As they say “from little things big things grow”.
I hope in 2016 that everyone takes 5 minutes out of their day to think about how important a fair work / life balance is to both you and your family.
Healthy New Year for 2016

Best Regards, Michael Weston


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